HIV infections are down 17%
Drug deaths reduced by 50 %
Marijuana use is down to 10% of adults - the lowest rate in the European Union
Herion use is dramatical
Addiction is in decline
Decreased youth drug use
Lower crime rates
Reduced court expenditur
Greater access to drug treatment
Safer and healthier communitie
Portugal simply made small amounts of drugs a civil offense instead of a criminal offense.
-A study by the RAND Corporatio
-$1 spent on treatment will achieve the same reduction of flow of cocaine as $7.3spent on enforcemen
-$1 spent on treatment will achieve the same reduction of flow of cocaine as $10.8spent on border control.
-$1 spent on treatment will achieve the same reduction of flow of cocaine as $23 spent trying to persuade Colombian farmers to grow crops other than coca.
Interesting facts, as well: Alcohol is a factor in the following:
* 73% of all felonies * 73% of child beating cases * 41% of rape cases * 80% of wife battering cases * 72% of stabbings * 83% of homicides.Neill Franklin is doing great things with the organization, LEAP, or Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. In almost every way, they are doing a much better job advocating for legalization than NORML.
Franklin has a great piece that was published on the Huffington Post recently.
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