Sunday, May 8, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

It is fitting that the first post, on a supposedly political blog, would be about Osama Bin Laden. Or as Fox News would say, Usama Bin Landen. Here's a round-up of the best coverage:

Noam Chomsky's reaction to Bin Laden's Death

Peter Bergen's, "Five Myths about Osama Bin Laden"

David Frum and Gleen Greenwald, debating the legality of the "hit"

Radley Balko on why "Osama Won"

Tim Fernholz and Jim Tankersly estimating the cost of Bin Laden at $3 trillion

New York Times reporting from the inside

Have to love local Fox affiliates sometimes

Remind me to write about these more, when it is not Mother's Day.

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